Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day - 2013

Today was Mia's "first day" of school. Since her daycare/school pretty much goes year around, Mia was a bit confused as to why it was her "first day". After all, she was just at school last week! Then Mia proceeded to ask if everyone's parents have first day of school signs to take pictures with. Haha I'm guessing probably not. She's only changed a little since last year, right?!

She We truly love her school for the teachers, friends, activities, clean space and convenience. Now that she's 3.5 years old, there won't be any tears or accidents this year! Love how she can write her name now!
Free first day of school printable from MOPS.org

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!