Friday, June 28, 2013

June Instagram Highlights

Remember back in December, I finally hopped on the Instagram bandwagon? Since then, I've been doing Fat Mum Slim's photo-a-day challenge (#fmsphotoaday). For each day's prompt, Chantelle features four photos that catch her attention. Yesterday, my "empty" photo (top left) made the cut!

Here's a few of my favorite June photo-a-days:
 06.08.2013 animal - Daisy talking to Daddy

 06.09.2013 from down low - Doug's best friend gets married!
06.10.2013 you - and the entire city has Blackhawks fever! 2013 Stanley Cup Champions!

06.16.2013 family - love love love my parents' backyard, the hammock I've been using for 30 years and the new swing Grandpa made for hours of fun

06.21.2013 lunchtime - in the loop

6.22.2013 enjoying life - down at the lakefront, a little family tradition

06.27.13 into the sun - after a quick summer shower, the daunting clouds disappeared and the sun shone down in full force. My flowers love it!

 Are you on Instagram? You can follow me at I'm shooting a downtown wedding on Saturday and Baby Joey on Sunday. What's on your agenda??

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Google Reader Replacement

Ah yes, the day Google Reader will be no more {July 1st!} is quickly approaching. Dun dun dun! How will you keep up with all your blogs!? I easily transferred my daily blog reads to which also syncs to the app on my Android phone. So if you haven't yet, click that big green button on my sidebar to add me to your feedly to keep up with my photography, parties and DIY projects! You can also subscribe via email {on my sidebar}.
follow us in feedly

Friday, June 14, 2013

ANOTHER baby boy!

Since last fall, every newborn baby that has graced the front of my camera has been a BOY! There was Blake in October, Corby in November, Evan in December, Joey in January and Luke in April. Can you believe it?! I haven't photographed a single newborn baby girl since then!

After the excitement of Doug's best friend's wedding on Saturday, we met our nephew on Sunday, just five hours after he was born. A few days after his due date {just like his sister Erin}, my sister in law felt her first contraction at 6AM. After a phone call to make baby sitting arrangements and less than four hours later, Steve and Sandy welcomed their 9lb 6oz, 22 inch Baby Benson into the world! His official newborn portrait session will take place in the next two weeks, but I just couldn't keep my camera away during my short 15 minute hospital visit!

Enjoy your Father's Day present Steve!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Best Friend's Wedding

Ok so it wasn't my best friend's wedding (get on it Agatha!). But it was Doug's. After ten years in the making, JC and Shannon are officially husband and wife! While JC was one of Mia's first and only visitors at the hospital when she was born and Shannon is one of our only trusted friends to babysit, they gave our daughter the honor of being one of their flower girls. Mia has been preparing for this day for over a year! Literally! Humming "Here Comes the Bride...", making a random piece of tulle into a veil, having daddy be her groom, and walking up and down pretend aisles. My three year old girly girl was excited, to say the least, to take part in Uncle JC and Auntie Shannon's special day.  

**These photographs were made on a personal level, as a guest to the wedding of a couple very near and dear to us. 
To see my team's professional wedding portfolio, hop on over to the Benchmob's newly redesigned site.**
 "Mommy, I look like a little bride!"

Mommy on the way to church: "How do you feel today?"
Mia: "I'm so happy!"

 The little ring bearer had a relaxing wagon ride down the aisle complete with snacks, led by little man Lucas.

Mia handled the super long aisle and onlooking guests like a pro.

 And received compliments for behaving so well during an hour and a half long mass.

I love wedding ceremonies where the bride and groom's wishes for each other are read aloud for all their guests to hear.

Is he the happiest guy in the world or what!?

Mia followed the newlywed couple and led the bridal party recession as if she's done this before.

I really do not think JC could be any happier. Love you two!

As the crowd dispersed, this little lady didn't notice anything that was going on around her...simply enjoying her bubbles on a gorgeous day in June. And I didn't even place her in the middle of the church steps!

Mia was very disappointed that she couldn't go on the trolley with daddy and the bridal party. But after her nap, she was refreshed and ready to party!

Our friend: "She's a natural at the bar!" Doug: evil Idon'twantmydaughtertoevergrowup glare

These two are such an emotional pair.

Although walking down the aisle was exciting, I think Mia was even more excited about the dance party. We expected her to dance with mommy and daddy, hand in hand. But instead, we had a flash forward to our future...She repeatedly brushed our hands away to run off with other kids her age and didn't look back!

These boys have come along way from junior high. I'm glad we have solid friends to share such life changing moments with. Congratulations Shannon and JC! You've accomplished so much in the past year and half and we'll be right by your side for what's to come! What better way to spend your birthday than with all of your friends and family? Happy Birthday Uncle JC!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

{Corby} - 6 months

On numerous occasions, Mia's mentioned how Baby Corby {her teacher's son} doesn't come to school anymore. When I came home from Corby's six month portrait session this weekend, Mia was anxious to see the photos right away! I know I say this every time, but six months is such a happy smiley age!
Love his long dark eyelashes!!

Until next time lil man!
Click here to see more babies and how they get so big