Monday, December 10, 2012

Helping Families in Need - Compass to Care

'Tis the season for giving! With a mention on ABC7's Windy City Live today, I too want to spotlight Compass to Care, a non-profit organization dedicated to scheduling and paying for the travel arrangements families require to seek the best cancer care for their children.

Compass to Care acts as a travel agent for families of children with cancer who need to make arrangements to see their child's specialists. Donations to this non-profit organization help cover families' travel costs, including airfare, hotels, meals, taxis, gas and more. How relieving would that be to not have to worry about getting to and from the specialist, where you are going to stay, and how will you find the money to pay for it? Compass to Care gives families one less thing to worry about so they can focus on their child and their treatment. The website has more simple facts, figures, problems and Compass to Care's solutions to show you how the organization assists children such as these.

With just $20, you can purchase a Dina doll to keep a child with cancer company as they spend the holidays in the hospital. By doing this, these children receive a special gift AND 100% of the donation goes back to helping these families. You could make a child's holiday, simply click here to find out more.
Thanks in advance for your consideration!

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