Monday, November 19, 2012


This weekend was full of new and old traditions. 

On Saturday, Doug and I attended a Polish wedding where I was intrigued by all the little traditions throughout the reception. Upon arriving for cocktail hour and scoping out the details (so bummed I didn't bring my camera!), I immediately noticed the tall bottles of Belvedere Vodka on every. single. table! When I asked a groomsmen if I was seeing things right, he laughed saying, "You haven't been to a Polish wedding before??" I guess I haven't! Complete with little shot glasses at each table, the night was definitely entertaining from the partner swinging polkas, hard core club beats, to the one Asian guy in the entire room (my husband) going crazy to Gangnam style.

The next day however, warmed my heart with other traditions. As a kid, I remember Sunday morning breakfasts complete with bacon, sausage, eggs and making Mickey Mouse pancakes with my dad. My baby girl was able to build her own Sunday morning memories, in the exact same kitchen that I did.

Notice the egg on the counter and not in the bowl. Practice makes perfect!

It was all smiles until a little someone learned what a hot pan feels like, eek! Hopefully she'll remember how much fun she had and not the tears that ended the cooking experience that morning.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for always making heart warming memories. Even if it ends with band-aids!
Love you, little mini-me!


  1. The Polish wedding that I went had a couple bottles of vodka on each table as well with the favors being mini vodka bottles!


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