Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fall Family Portraits - Chicago's Museum Campus

**Don't forget to enter my giveaway to win customized art for a child's room!**

If you've lived in Chicago, you know that one day you can comfortably enjoy being outside with a light jacket and the very next day you have to be bundled up with a hat, scarf and boots.  The unpredictability of our Midwest weather is why holiday family portrait sessions in Chicago need to occur in September and early October. I know that sounds super early for Christmas cards. But in addition to quickly dropping temperatures, by November, the trees lose all their gorgeous red and orange leaves baring naked brown branches - which is definitely not as beautiful as fall foliage at its peak in September and October.

Due to scheduling and re-scheduling conflicts, I fit two families and an extended family of 14 in mid November (not according to my advice above!!). I was very nervous about the weather not holding up, but we really could not have gotten any luckier!

Saturday's forecast called for a comfortable 65 degrees with no rain. Much to our disappointment, it down poured all morning and afternoon! After analyzing the doppler radar, I went with my gut and said let's just go for the session at our scheduled time. While scoping out the scene around Chicago's Museum Campus, skies were still dark with a drizzle, but a break in the clouds was approaching. After hopefully waiting for 30 minutes, the sky was clear and blue for this beautiful family...
This was one of my first shots of the session! Those first few minutes of a session are so critical when photographing children who can lose interest and genuine smiles quickly! And love how Christine coordinated the family outfits.

Do you recognize this brown eyed cheeky smiley boy on the left? It's Noah, who I've photographed at 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months old! He is such a big boy now at 20 months old. Big Brother Elijah {on the right} is almost 4 years old.

Still love Noah's big cheeky smile! Same time last year comparison!

The energy level of two young boys is extremely different than having one little girl.

But there are still sweet moments to be found amongst the craziness excitement.

Christine {who I've known since kindergarten} writes over at Grateful for a Coffee Break and wanted a few new head shots.

Momma treated herself to a brand new pair of heels! Not to mention, probably the first new pair of heels since having her boys! Oh man, you deserve it!

Parents are always surprised when I end the session with just the two of them. {The boys were safely and happily snacking in the stroller next to me.}
After having kids, life as a couple is so so easily forgotten. I mean really, how often do you, as a parent, get to be IN the pictures?! Let alone with your spouse?! With a professional photographer present!? Take advantage people! YOU, your spouse and the love you cultivate lay the foundation for your family - which is just as important as your kids' pretty faces.

Thank goodness the clouds parted, rain cleared and the sun came out so we didn't have to use umbrellas. But just for fun...

Whew! This post got a little lengthy, but stay tuned for more families tomorrow!


  1. I love the last pic with the umbrella & Chicago's pretty skyline in the back!

  2. oh this is such a cute session! I love LOVE that vertical shot of the boy running towards the camera. SO cute! And I love the one of the boy kissing his mama--she has such a great smile in that shot. The last one with the umbrella is super cute too. Great job!

  3. MINDY! Love the pics! Thank you! Will be getting a feature post up on the blog early next week to showcase your beautiful beautiful work!

  4. Too cute! Love the umbrella shot. And those are some serious heels, Christine! But they look great :)


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!