Friday, September 14, 2012

First Day

Since the end of our long staycation, it's been quieter around the house. We no longer hear the jingle jangle of Mia's feet that made our hearts smile with every move she makes. Our baby girl's {Traditional Thai} anklets came off. L

At 2½ years old, we sent our little Mia Josephine off for her first day of pre-school/daycare! Her ankles look so naked!
Free printable sign from Frog Prince Paperie.

I could not resist this adorable backpack from etsy shop Butterfly Road. The backpack is well made and I love the coordinating fabrics, the piping and the outer pocket. It seems enormous on her, but we needed one bigger than her other toddler backpack {which we still love and use}.

Every day is different with its ups and downs. The curl of her lip, quiver in her voice and tears in her eyes clearly shows how she misses Mommy. But I'm sure that our freak of nature genius baby (as my friends call her) will get the hang of it soon.

Have a great weekend! For once, we've got nothing going on!


  1. Aww Mia's getting so big! Be honest - did you tear up? I totally would have! Such a big day for a pretty little girl!

  2. Sweetie for sure! And what a cute bag - hope her first week went great!

  3. What a big girl now! How is she doing in PreK? This year is Nate's first year of PreK4. He had a rough first 2 weeks. This week is week 3 and so far seems to be adjusting to it. (It was a bit harder for him because he never went to Daycare, my parents watched him while my husband and I worked)

  4. gah! that picture of her and doug is great!

  5. The most adorable little school girl ever! Happy Sunday! towe.

  6. Awww, how cute! Must have been hard saying goodbye to your girl!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!