Wednesday, June 27, 2012

{Alex} - 9 Months

A few weeks ago I spent the afternoon with Baby Alex.
{He doesn't leave the house without that red ball!}

 Since his six month portrait session, Alex sits up well by himself...
{Look at all those chubby rolls!}

Crawls around...

Has two teeth and filled in his little patch of hair...

Babies never really know what to think when they touch grass for the first time...
{How cute are mom's coral pants!?}

Maybe Alex would've like the grass better with shoes on. But his fat feet wouldn't fit into these adorable itty bitty TOMS!

I love family time outside.

I think Alex does too J

Did you notice? We were at Erin’s house!

And this giant soft teddy bear is apparently only $30 from Costco!

Until next time baby boy!

linked up with:
Live, Love, Travel


  1. oh my, these are SOO cute! That can be a tough age to shoot, but you did a great job!

  2. Oh, the TOMS! Swoon! (Cute baby too. LOL!) :)

  3. Very cute. Lex loves to chew on his alphabet mat too- it must be good :)

  4. Love the baby toms!! So cute!!

  5. oh holy moly--those rolls! i wish the tiny toms had fit--tiny toms might be my very favorite baby thing. and i love the shot of him picking up his foot in disgust.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!