Monday, May 21, 2012

We're Back!

Just wanted to pop in and say hi!

Every week, Kristen Duke is encouraging moms to get out from behind the camera and into pictures. No matter how imperfect the setting, your makeup, weight, or outfit is, you want your kids to see and remember you actually enjoying family time, and not just being that person behind the lens, never fully present in the moment. I made sure Doug took pictures of me and Mia on our short family vacation to sunny California.

We had lots of fun on our first trip to Disneyland!
{Although this castle seems tiny compared to what I remember of Disneyworld.}

 There were rides to go on...

Her favorite being the carousel...three times...

Anxiously waiting to meet Mickey...

But the 3 day vacation was also tiring - no one sleeps when you have a sick baby, one king size bed and princesses to see!

I'll be back with a DIY tutorial on our ears and a full trip recap once we get back into the swing of things.

Have a great week!
linked up here:
Live, Love, Travel


  1. Welcome back! Looks like you had a great trip! I'm jealous...soo ready for a vacation! :)

  2. these are such cute pics! Nice to see you in front of the camera! Glad your trip went well, you came at the perfect time, the weather has been perfect!

  3. SO MUCH FUN! Glad you guys were able to get away and spend time as a family! Great reminder to get into pictures. It's easy to miss lots of time behind the camera during the child bearing years . . . :)

  4. How cute! Next time you come by SoCal, hit me up! :)

  5. lovely photos! im bad, i need to be in pics as often as i can. its always the little guy with his daddy :(

  6. i used to be so good about getting in some of the photos, but i haven't done it in ages. i need a good kick in the pants. aside from the lack of sleep, hope you had a great time!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Aw, it looks like you had an awesome time. The photos on the rides are especially sweet!

  9. Wow, beautiful pictures! I am very happy I found my way back to your blog! Happy Wednesday! towe.


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