Thursday, April 12, 2012

Boston with a Toddler {Day 3 of 3}

**This was our first time traveling with a toddler, so I'll detail our itinerary by day for people who want recommendations on what to see and where to eat.** Catch Day 1 here and Day 2 here.

With last night’s wait still fresh in his mind, Doug was not thrilled {understatement} to trek over the Fort Point Channel in the cold wet morning to get to Flour Bakery for breakfast. But I travel for food, so there was no holding me back. And just like always, trust your wife. She is {almost} always right. He quietly enjoyed {knowing I was right} his coffee and bacon + egg + cheese sandwich while I tried to savor my buttery flaky croissant and other delicious pastry despite his morning rant. The bakery was loudly bustling and you have to have good timing or lurk for a seat. One couple was nice enough to give us their table and sit at the window stools instead. If I wasn't so angry with Doug being angry, maybe I'd have a picture of this wonderful breakfast for you, sorry!

We only had a few more hours before heading back to the airport. We wandered the bottom half of Beacon Hill, stopping for lunch at the Upper Crust per a friend's recommendation. I'm in love with pizza in Chicago, so nothing can compare. But Mia eats pizza, which is a plus. The place only had 10 seats and 2 counter stools. So your timing has to be right or you have to hoover and wait.

Then we strolled down Commonwealth Avenue and Newbury Street {equivalent to Chicago's Magnificent Mile} to check out the Boston Public Library {to use the bathroom} and the Trinity Church.

On our way back, we stopped at the Public Garden to eat our last cannoli and see Mrs. Mallard and her ducklings.

We bought the "Make Way for Ducklings" book for Mia a week before we left. Her favorite part our trip was seeing the statues of Mrs. Mallard and her ducklings and feeding peanuts to the ducks with Daddy. And let me tell you, these park animals are well trained in begging for food from park goers. A squirrel literally came to my feet with paws up! Like a puppy! He saw me reach in my bag {trying to get my camera to capture a begging squirrel!!} and he inched closer and put his little paws up again because he thought I was getting food!

If it were sunny and a bit warmer, it would’ve been a perfect afternoon.  She was thrilled to roam freely.
Then we were off to get back to sweet home Chicago. Overall, the trip was a tad chilly and would've been prettier with Spring blooms.  But we didn't take a single cab so it was perfect for traveling with a two year old and no car seat. It was just the right amount of time {3 days, 2 nights} to do what we wanted {walk around and eat all day} and for a reasonable price. Mia didn't show any signs of being bored even though we didn't do any "real" activities {other than the Duck}. It was a wonderful short trip for our little family. And Daisy!

There couldn't be a better picture to end our vacation with....

Where should we head to next? What's your favorite family vacation spot?? I love recommendations!


  1. Mia is so cute in her red coat. No pics from Flour....aweee! Glad you had a good time with the fam!

  2. i think we're finally feeling comfortable enough to travel with two kids now. love that photo of mia with mrs. mallard. adorable.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!