Monday, January 30, 2012

P52 {4} - Self Portrait

This week's Project 52 prompt was self portrait. Mine's not very creative, but actually looking decent for a picture, using my tripod and getting an in focus picture counts as effort, right?!
Since I don't have a remote, I went back and forth using the good ol' timer. To finally get a shot that was in focus, I had to have Doug stand in while I focused, set the timer, then pushed him out of the way to pose.

Mia also wanted in on the fun. She's going to be so excited when she gets a camera for her birthday! Stay tuned for birthday party details over the next few weeks.

linked up here:
project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge my3boybarians.comLive, Love, Travel


  1. Oh I hate you so much! You haven't changed since high school! I on the other hand have just gotten wider and accumulated more chins.

  2. Don't you just look super adorbs! Oh, and that lil' trigger remote is awesome! Especially during family gatherings where you can finally be IN the picture and take several shots at the same time! Loves it!

  3. What a great idea to get hubs to stand in for focusing purposes!! Wonderful self-portrait!! =)

  4. Hi beautiful!!! :)

    Why is your hair so nice and Mia's hair looks all crazy???

  5. I have SO much trouble with self portraits--you did a great job!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!