Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our Little Tree

Per Doug’s request, we put up our holiday decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Mia loves Santa on her butt!

Don’t you??

So we don’t have a big tree. Just this little one. Exactly like the little one that I had growing up. And Doug and I love it But Mia was not a fan of the blinking lights. She’d demand that the tree be turned off once they started blinking! So weird. The ornaments and {previous} set of blinking lights were handpicked to be saved from the 30+ year old Christmas boxes from my parents’ house. I purchased our angel topper over 10 years ago and it’s Swarovski Crystal, straight from Austria!

When Mia gets older, do you think she’ll be sad that she was bigger than her Christmas tree?

I don’t think so…Hooray for the holidays! {Same time last year}

More heart warming pictures of our little tree here. I can't wait till it gets surrounded by lots of pretty gifts!
Mia already likes helping me wrap *sigh* That's mah girl!

linking up with Thrifty Decor Chick

1 comment:

Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!