Monday, December 19, 2011

DIY No Sew Toddler Tutu Tutorial

“More dancing!” is what Mia usually says when we watch So You Think You Can Dance or ABDC or Dancing with the Stars. Or “MOM GET UP! GET UP! Hold hand! Dance with Mia!”
{Tough B-girl? or Sweet ballet dancer? hehe}

When I signed Mia up for ballet class two months ago, I was caught off guard when the lady said, “Ok, do you have this, this, this and this??” Ummm no, I do not have a leotard, ballet shoes, tights and a skirt. You might want to state on your website what is required for class?!! In that moment, my future as a parent funding numerous school activities and uniforms and camps flashed before my eyes.

But not to worry, I already bought two leotards (on clearance at Target, score!) with plans to make my own tutus and already have hand me down tights. I got the idea from Natasha like I mentioned in my original DIY Tutu Tutorial from Two Yards of Tulle for less than Two Dollars post (for a newborn).  But here’s a refresher tutorial on how to easily DIY a no sew tutu for your toddler (which is way cheaper than buying one!) It'd be a great (cheap, easy and cute!) last minute Christmas gift for any little girls on your list!
{Look at those itty bitty dance slippers!}
Time: 15 minutes
Supplies: (for my ~2 year old)
2 rolls of tulle (from the wedding aisle in Michael’s) - $3/each without a coupon
Elastic or Ribbon
Cardboard (width: 6-12 inches; length: desired length of skirt)
Cost: less than $10

  1. Cut elastic to your child’s waist size. I used a pair of pants as a guide. If using ribbon for a tie around/apron style, cut the ribbon long enough where you can tie a bow around your child's waist.
  2. If using ribbon, skip this step. Hand sew elastic ends together. There is no rhyme or reason to my technique. I just use my knowledge from 6th grade Home Ec. Class.
  3. Wrap tulle lengthwise, around and around and around your cardboard until your roll is done. Cut tulle along the width of ONE side of your cardboard. Now you are left with tulle strips that are double the length of your skirt. Right?
  4. Fold strip of tulle in half and tie/loop/knot onto elastic/ribbon. If you want extra fluffiness, take TWO strips and tie on as if they were one. I stretched the elastic using my feet while tying the tulle on. Keep going until desired fluffiness and/or you run out of tulle. If using ribbon instead of elastic, leave room at each end to tie around your child's waist.
  5. Trim edges of tulle to be more even.
  6. Fluff and dance around the house! 
She loves to wear my "dance slippers" (flats) and stretch, tippy toe, plie, do first position and hop around the house like in class. J And talk non-stop about Miss Katie, her teacher.  Oh, and watch videos of herself dancing over and over and over again. Saturday was her last class this session. Good thing we have those videos to hold her over 'til next session!

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  1. She is so so adorable! Love the tutu! Here's to hoping I get a little girl to try it out on someday!

  2. Oh.Em.Gee! I love her B-Girl pose! Too adorbs! I can't wait till Jules is old enough to prance around in a tutu and tights! :)


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