Friday, November 4, 2011

Kids Portraits at the Park

Before the neighborhood Halloween parade I did a quick mini session with my niece and nephew for my SIL’s Christmas cards. Mia was supposed to be in the pictures too, but she was napping L When we came back up to get dressed in costumes for the parade, Mia was all ready to go in her fall sweater dress and Uggs! Wah wah, maybe next time!

I’m not sure why, but apparently Ryu is digging the one knee down and two thumbs up pose.
Mom and Dad always said he could've been a model. I think this one's a framer!
Typical 6 year old, with a missing tooth!

Kira’s best captures are always by surprise…

Check out the MJ pose! Doug gets offended when kids don't know who Michael Jordan is.
On the other hand, Ryu was shocked that Doug was young enough to know what Starbursts are haha.

Check out last year’s post to see how these two have changed. And how I've come along in my photography.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!