Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Party Ideas: Boy or Girl Pool Party

I made it back from BlogHer’11 in time for Aiden’s baptism, but I did miss Ryu and Kira’s ½ birthday party L “Really, ½ birthday party?” you ask? Their birthdays are in the winter, so us Midwesterners can’t have BBQs and pool parties all year round. It’s actually pretty funny how Kira thought her mom was decorating for Mia’s birthday. The 3 ½ year old didn’t quite get the ½ birthday concept. And yes, the kids are back in school and the temperatures are dropping...and I am just now posting a pool party.

I was pretty bummed about missing the party since I gave my SIL a ton of ideas, in addition to these, the week before and was looking forward to seeing what she crafted up. Similar to the birthday party decorated for $1, the cost to decorate this party was next to nothing! To doll up this party on a small budget, my SIL mostly used supplies she already had on hand.
{Pool noodles (veggie straws) and beach balls (cheese balls) inspired by JCs Loft. Beach towel used as a table runner.}
{Bunting made from paper and wine corks dipped in paint - a quick way to stamp dots!
Also a great way to get the kids involved.}

There were other fun details (food table backdrop, picture displays, pool jello cups, etc), but as most mom’s know, it’s nearly impossible not easy to set up decorations, get yourself ready, get the kids ready, tell your husband how to get ready, put out all the food, talk to guests, watch your kids, AND take lots of pictures of all your party details and guests. I know that I’m never in pictures, and it’s such a bad habit! I thought Kristen’s suggestion of taking the hostess’s camera and taking pictures for her is such a great idea! That way 1) pictures are taken 2) mom's actually in them and 3) you avoid the “Ok, I’ll send you these pictures later!”  problem because the pictures are already on the hostess’s camera!

I also missed this pretty little face enjoying her time in the pool with the big kids!

1 comment:

  1. So cute :) Espescially like the "beach ball", "pool noodles" and "beach blanket" snacks!


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