Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BlogHer'11 - Who I Talked To

In my recap, I mentioned how bloggers spread the love. So let me tell you a little bit about some lovely ladies I met at BlogHer'11. Among the 3500+ attendees, there were all sorts of bloggers. And PR/company reps. And surprisingly, I met just as many newbies as repeat offenders. Here’s who I remember after dishing out 60 business cards:

Molly from Milwaukee Mamas (a hyper local blog for Milwaukee parents) - We were wondering what was behind a mysterious curtain at the first cocktail party…and ending up getting hugs from the Bloggess (who is much sweeter than her blog voice is!).

Me and Ananda

Ananda from The Digital Sisterhood – Ananda was also a panelist, and I was delighted when she interviewed me

Maria and company from Schoolbags for Kids who were featured on DailyCandy, HuffPo and more. For each school bag you buy, they donate a school bag and supplies to a child in need around the world.

Sarah from Nerdy Apple Bottom was super fun and I didn’t even realize until the next day that she was a panelist (for the “Unexpected Viral Explosion”). See what post generated 46,000 comments and landed this Kansas City mama on Good Morning America and The Today Show.

Rebekah from a Blissful Nest – I creepily noticed her in the bathroom. And at lunch.  I finally decided to introduce myself. We ended up talking all through lunch and she even featured Mia’s Shabby Chic 1st Birthday Tea Party.

Lilian from the Chinese Grandma – her business cards featuring photos of her cooking got us talking about the Pioneer Woman and a blogging class that she took at Stanford. I’m bummed that I didn’t get to attend PW’s all day session Thursday. Lilian recapped BlogHer so well, read about it here.

Jessi from Quirky Cookery and I partied it up at Sparklecorn. Yes it was sparkly. And there were unicorns. And glow necklaces. And a lot of women on the dance floor shaking it like they didn’t have a care in the world. To get a better feel for the official BlogHer party, check this video out. You can even (barely) spot me (if you pause it) with Jessi and her ears at 1:45 haha. 

And most randomly, I ran into my cousin, whom I haven’t seen or talked to in 10 years! Odd thing is that we both live in Chicago, yet we never crossed paths until San Diego. It’s so bizarre how you run into people from being at the right place at the right time. We caught up over a pitcher of sangria and tapas at CafĂ© Sevilla. MmmmMM I © tapas.


  1. I'm so jealous you met the Bloggess in person! I LOVE her!

  2. Thanks Mindy for the mention. Enjoyed reading your BlogHer recap and meeting you.

  3. hi mindy - great meeting you at blogher! your site is so much fun, and i also enjoyed reading about your blogher experience. thanks for the shout out too. =)

  4. And I'm just now making it here, gah! It was definitely awesome hanging out with you, too. There were so many great people there. Do you know if you're going next year?


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!