Friday, September 30, 2011

1 Year + 3 Winners!

Happy Friday everyone! As if you didn't know by now, today marks my one year blogiversary! It's gone by fast, and surprisingly, I haven't run out of things to talk about yet. And even more surprisngly, people are listening! So thank you for taking the time to spend a {day} with lil mama J
Hopefully I don't get burned out, but I think things are just getting started. As Pioneer Woman said the other day, "I’m nowhere near where I want to be. But I’m a lot closer than I’d be if I hadn’t kept going." Although I don't know where I'll be and what I'll be doing years from now, I know something good (aka creative) is in store for me...

On to our three winners shall we!?
Winner of the Little Penelope Lane hair wrap is....Samantha!
Winner of the Ruffled Begonia apron pattern is...Ashley @ Cherished Bliss!
Winner of the Baby Byrds 8x10 personalized print is...Nelly @ I Can Dabble!

Emails have been sent to the winners. Thank you all for entering! If you haven't entered the Paper Culture giveaway yet, I'm leaving it open through Sunday October 2nd, 11:59pm, winner to be announced Monday! Have a great weekend! Tonight I have a LONG list of supplies to gather from Michael's and Joann. By myself. In peace. Exciting Friday night isn't it? Don't be jealous.

1 comment:

Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!