Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Introducing {Baby Jenelle}

For months now, I’ve had a photo shoot penciled in to take pictures of my friend’s baby. Come 7/17, weighing in at 7lbs 7oz, the lucky little lady, Jenelle, arrived! Oh my sevens! She even has seven letters in her first and middle names!
Big Sister Maya and Dad weren’t home, but it was nice to have *quiet* time with Baby Jenelle and Mom.
We were laughing about how sh*tty (literally) that would be if Jenelle decided to poop while I was trying to get this shot. 
Me (and my camera) were safe though, phew!

*sigh* I remember when Mia used to have the same milk drunk/passed out from a full belly face too. Love it!  
Mom and I have been friends since we were three years old. And here we are 25 years (exactly!) later…taking pictures of her second child! I can’t wait to see how life changes with her two girls!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Awesome awesome job. They look incredible!

  2. Wow, amazing photos! So brand new and beautiful... :)

  3. These are precious. You sure know how to capture the essence of a newborn. Love the twinkly catch lights in her eyes too.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!