Wednesday, July 20, 2011

BYOP (Pillowcases)

I just got an email from Chris who’s back from his honeymoon in Bora Bora. Don't know where that is? Me neither...Google Maps tells me its a tiny little French Polynesian island in between Australia and South America. Chris wanted to let me know that Ashlee brought my pillowcases along on their trip!
I totally didn’t expect that and it made my day J
Why not cozy your head up on your own pillowcase when you’re on a heavenly island like this…
Where they probably stayed in one of these little huts...
mmhmm they did...
So they could take in these heavenly sunsets...
From the comforts of their room private hut
huuugh....If only they brought me along instead L  Thanks for making us all wish were on a secluded island jerks!
Great pictures Chris!

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgeous honeymoon spot - I am swooning! I'm your newest follower from Spearmint Baby's Alexa hop and would love it if you would visit and follow back ;)


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