Friday, July 29, 2011

Boy Gifts - DIY (Bow) Tie Applique

At last! I finally saw my friend so I could give her boys (4 and 1) their birthday gifts. Which was in April (bad mama stuart)! I broke a sweat frantically wrapping these gifts with a curious 17 month old girl pulling two feet of tape out at a time, trying to find my scissors and stepping on my wrapping paper. Not to mention trying to get these pictures...sheesh!
Have I mentioned how I ♥ when things fit in perfect sized boxes?

I know, I know. I’ve been on an appliqué kick lately (as seen here and here for the tutorial). But it’s hard not to get hooked on easy projects! When I bought the fabrics and told Doug my idea, as usual, he didn’t “see” it and thought the prints were girly. And as usual, when I was done and showed off him my project, he liked it J
The boys would look pretty darn adorable with these and little blazers, no?

Mia was so excited to have a friend over. And I’m glad I could hang out with my godson to get to know him and his budding personality. I love his crinkly nosed wide grin smile! Which I didn't get a picture of L Mia sneakily sniffed him out. And they showed each other their bellies. Daddy is already very crazy protective of his little girl saying things like “No boys allowed in your room!” *sigh* oh dear.
Thanks for coming over guys! It was fun! J

linked up here:
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


  1. Why is he touching her belly?! Why is she lifting her shirt?!

  2. Adorable gifts. I would love for you to stop by DIY Home Sweet Home today and link up your gifts and any other projects you would like to share. Happy Monday!!

  3. Those are such cute gifts!! Makes me want to have boys just to get them to wear those!

    I have a fun rosette headband in a giveaway right now that I think you would love. Come enter to win at

  4. Love the shirts!! Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!