Monday, June 6, 2011

Toast - Lincoln Park

Hi there! How was your weekend? Ours included Mia’s first music class, a failed attempt to go to the pool, brunch at Toast and a festival. Summers in Chicago are short, so we’re making the most of it!

Since my Groupon was about to expire, I finally made it Toast! It’s a hot brunch spot in Chicago, so I wasn’t surprised to hear that the wait was 45 minutes on a Sunday morning. We decided to go to the Lincoln Park location instead of Bucktown simply because Oz Park was nearby. The 45 minute wait went by quickly as Mia happily weeeeeeeeeeee’d along on the swings. J When out to eat with a toddler, I definitely recommend:

1) Calling in advance to find out how long the wait is.
2) Seeing what’s in the area to kill time with an antsy toddler.
3) Getting a booth seat if your little one can't sit still in a chair for the entire length of a meal.
4) Checking out the menu so you know what to order right when you sit down.
5) This little travel utensil set kept Mia busy for most of the time. Then a straw held her over until the end.

There's a lot of buzz about Toast, but I wasn’t all that impressed. Doug had the huevos w/ chorizo & cheddar (scrambled eggs served w/ chorizo, cheddar & jalapenos) and I had stuffed French toast (one of each: puréed fresh strawberry, mascarpone and mexican chocolate). I’m usually a sweets over savories kinda brunch girl, but I liked Doug’s better than mine. Although, I’ve never encountered a chorizo & eggs plate that I didn’t like. I was envisioning ooey goodness to be oozing out of the middle of my French toasts, but instead the flavors were mixed into the batter or something and I thought it was a little dry. Maybe a dollop of whip cream would've saved it? Should I have gotten something else? L

Oh well, at least Mia was well behaved and the noise level was busy enough so she didn't bother others if she did decide to go crazy. Despite not being as great as I thought it'd be, I still enjoyed our morning out and about in the city. We finished off the afternoon with our first festival of the year. Mia enjoyed her doggie balloon, the playground, dancing to an awesome cover band and eating her first strawberry shortcake ice cream bar. **aahh** summer in the city J
Hmmm...this is starting to look like a Mia blog, whoops! I haven't had a chance to craft lately, but as always, I have a million ideas in mind. Projects coming soon eventually!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. I wasn't very impressed with Toast when I went a few years back...and I got the same thing Doug got and the GF at the time got the same thing you got haha.

  2. Oh, she is just precious. Great shots mom...

  3. Sound like a great day! Love that last shot of her; so cute!


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