Wednesday, June 29, 2011

{Noah} - 3 Months

Last weekend I took Baby Noah’s 3 month pictures to document how he’s Getting So Big throughout the year... 
I love his soft hair and little belly pooling over his diaper! Noah was easy to work with (which puts me at ease, phew!) and didn’t mind being stuffed inside a beverage bin hehe J We kept him in his diaper for 85% of the shoot because he looked so chubby and cute that I didn’t want to cover all that sweet softness up! **I'll tell you about my set up at the end of the post**
As expected, baby needed a milk break. The parenting professionals books/magazines don’t lie when they stress eye contact and bonding with your baby during feedings.  Noah seriously didn't take his eyes off her, despite my hopping around on the couch to capture him gazing into momma's eyes.  
He looks so big yet little in Mommy and Daddy's arms, right?
And once we got clothes on him, he looked like such a little man!
Time really does fly as your precious itty bitty baby quickly evolves into a little person. I'm glad I could capture these moments for them. Thanks for having me over again guys!
Oh and big brother Elijah was excited to see me again and thought my ribbit ribbit’s were pretty hilarious J
This handsome little guy is going to be such a heartbreaker one day!
Email me at mindysukan{at}gmail{dot}com for more info if you'd like me to photography your family!
**Tips on the first two shots**
After previously shooting in their home, I knew where the best lighting would be – a huge kitchen window. They cleared out the kitchen beforehand and I ghetto rigged a backdrop by clipping (potato chip clip and a hairclip) a blanket onto cabinet doors so there'd be no cabinets in the background. So call me McGyver, yeah? Baby faced the window to get catchlights in his eyes.


  1. Oh man, that fuzzy little baby hair is killer! One of my favorite parts of little ones. He sure is a cutie!

  2. What a cutie!!!! I can't believe how big Elijah is! Is that gel in his hair?!?!?


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