Monday, May 9, 2011

Just Like Mommy

♥ Mama and Mini-me ♥
Funny thing is that I didn’t even buy this coat for her. And Uncle Jun Jun didn’t even know I had a red coat myself haha. Good job Dad for following my instructions on how to get this shot J
Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Awwwww sooooooo cuuuuuuuuute!!! I love my girls! :)

  2. nice shot dad, Mia has hair now??

  3. That's so adorable! Found your blog through the Alexa blog hop (funny story, Alexa is my daughter's name too), and I'm glad I did. :-)

  4. Dad did a great job...cute shot!

  5. This definitely a sweet shot. Love the mom and mini me photo too cute.
    I also loved how you have the black and white and the red on your coats. Very cool.

  6. i love this. it made me smile.


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