Friday, May 27, 2011

Good Night Chicago – Fountains and Bridges

So for my vacation recap, you heard about my last minute passport issue, our stay at the Grand Sunset Princess in Playa del Carmen, my mommy guilt and our day at the Zoo and Nature Museum. On our next day in the city, we took Mia to Millennium Park and on an architecture boat tour to complete more pages of her Good Night Chicago book.
Mia loves looking at herself in mirrors and pictures. Surprisingly, she didn’t care for the Bean. She was much more interested in people watching (there were A LOT of people on the beautiful Friday afternoon) and trying to make friends.
After getting food from Caffe Baci, we picnicked in the park. I ♥ laying on a blanket in the grass on sunny summer days J  It was Mia’s naptime when we took her over to the fountains, and she clearly wasn't in the mood for them.  She's so much bigger in the stroller now compared to October!
Hello, fantastic fountains.

Doug and I always wanted to do a boat tour and luckily there was a recent Groupon for it ($17 instead of $34) J We walked from Millennium Park to the Wrigley Building to board our Wendella boat. Mia did well for the 75 minute ride enjoying the “wa-wa” and breeze in her hair.

Greetings, Chicago River and bridges. 

Greetings, Navy Pier and Ferris wheel. 
Hello, great Chicago buildings reaching up into the sky.

It’s fun being a tourist in your own city sometimes J mmmk you're probably sick of hearing about us and our vacation. Back to artsy fartsy...In the next few weeks I'll have a special Girl's Night Out, Hello Kitty 5th Birthday Party and a Shabby Chic 1st Birthday Tea Party to show you! Have a wonderful long weekend!  


  1. These are great Mindy! And no, I'm not tired if hearing about your vacay! :)

  2. Lovely pictures!! :D (stopping by from Spearmint baby bloghop)

  3. Love your pictures!! Beautiful! I'm speed-hopping the Alexa hop while GFC is still up, (it's been up and down for me since Thursday night)so I apologize for the short comment and generic disclaimer. I'll be back again for a longer visit! I'm a new follower!

    <a href=">Pretty Opinionated </a>

  4. Absolutely beautiful pics! Love it! BTW... I am hopping by to show some love from 7 on a Shoestring.

  5. I love your blog! The pictures are beautiful & I love the idea of recreating the Goodnight Chicago book :)


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!