Monday, April 25, 2011

Introducing {Baby Noah}

Last weekend I took pictures of my friend’s family since their precious Baby Noah arrived a month ago.
Before I met the little man, mom described him as chill. And he totally was! He only cried a few times, phew!
But, you can't have a baby photo shoot without some crying, right?!
Isn't the rocking chair gorgeous? It's been passed down the family.
Baby Noah also has a two year old brother, Elijah, who was so much fun!
I think they have a well rounded athlete on their hands...
In the two hours I spent with the family, I learned a lot of great parenting tricks from mom and dad. My favorites being, “Does Baby Noah have any boogers in his nose?” or, “Is there a giraffe on his head??” to coax Elijah closer and to look at his little brother haha.  Reading "Daddy Kisses" worked like a charm too...
Thanks for letting me spend the afternoon with you guys! J
linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful baby boy and his family.

  2. Once awesome job! Great pictures!

  3. Awww so sweet! I love your B&W editing - and the feet? swoon!

  4. New babies and happy families always makes for a lot of sweet shots! Good job!

  5. wow.. these are very sweet photos. i love them all.

    My first in Sweet Shot Tuesday

  6. Absolutely luuuuuuuv that first shot! Great captures!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!