Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mia's First Art Project

Last year for my birthday, Mia did her first art project. With Daddy! It was super thoughtful on Doug’s part and I could tell how excited and proud he was to have Mia do her first art project - stamping her hands on my birthday card. I was surprised to hear he dug up my acrylic paints and covered Mia’s hands in them! That’s not exactly what they’re meant for nor did I know if that was safe! But I know he had good intentions and Umma helped scrubbed the paint off Mia's hands. I am so glad he had our baby sign my birthday card with her 2 month old hands because now they hang up in her room next to her newborn foot prints J 
And now...look how much she's changed in a year!


  1. So cute! I did the same thing for my husband's father's day card. I like that you framed them next to her other prints. also, thanks for taking the time to comment on mh blog and letting me know there are other working moms out there that feel the way I do.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!