Tuesday, March 22, 2011

DIY Tutu Tutorial from Two Yards of Tulle for $2

Say that ten times fast. Ok I didn’t write up the tutorial, but that was a fun title. J I don’t like to post gifts before I give them, but Mia’s birth story was featured on Spearmint Baby today and I have lots of new mama visitors who might be interested in easy DIY projects...Hi there! Take a look around and stay awhile J

I was telling my SIL how I’ve been dreaming up photo shoot set ups for her baby girl (who’s due to be here tomorrow!). And just like most of my art projects, ideas have been running around in my head like crazy! When Mia was born, I didn’t know how to use my camera like I do now, nor did I know how to handle an itty bitty fresh out of the womb baby.

But now…I can’t wait to prop this baby girl up all over their gorgeous house and snap away! J Anyway, my SIL mentioned that she liked pictures of newborn baby girls in tutus, and I said – I can make those too! J

Samster Mommy has a good tutorial for a 10 minute no sew tutu.  Here’s what I did differently:
  1. I couldn’t find rolls of pink tulle, perhaps because Easter and wedding season is approaching. So I bought 2 yards of pink tulle off the bolt from Joann. Of course I had a coupon, so it was only $2. Keep in mind my tutu is for a newborn, so not that much tulle was needed.
  2. I didn’t have a handy chair like hers to hold my elastic taught, but a Metamucil container seemed to work wonderfully.
  3. I bought one bunch of flowers from Michael’s to embellish the tutu, probably $1. I snipped the flowers off, with about half an inch of stem left. Then I tucked a stem into a knot, repeating all around the tutu. Doug said it looked like a Hawaiian skirt, so I added a ribbon to finish it up and to make it less luau like.

And there you have it - DIY no sew tutu tutorial using 5 materials, for less than $5, in minimal time using only cutting and making a loop skills.  I hope it fits and it’s not too bothersome for the little one. I can’t wait to take her newborn pics! Now all we need is for her to arrive so I can take them, haha.
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