Friday, February 11, 2011

Good Night Chicago - Navy Pier

In the summer I decided to recreate Mia’s Good Night Chicago book by taking pictures of her at all the Chicago landmarks.  For her first birthday we took her to the Children’s Museum at Navy Pier to check the “Greetings Navy Pier and Ferris wheel.” page off of our list.  I think we’ll have to revisit this one when it’s warmer out so I can actually get Navy Pier and the Ferris wheel in the picture.  But this will do for now.
There were awesome snow sculptures outside but the 5 degree weather didn’t allow us to take a long close look. L But Mia had so much fun walking around and exploring the museum. Since it was a weekday, it was nice and empty and she could roam freely. I think she had the most fun when there were other kids around that she could make friends with.
 Our little girl is getting so big L As Mia passed out in her big girl car seat on the way home, I scarfed down a bag of Garrett’s popcorn mMmMM J 


  1. So so sweet! The Kohl's Children's museum in Glenview is also really cool. We took Elijah for his birthday and he loved the miniature sized Dominicks and Potbellies! :)

    PS - Love the book idea. One of our favorites - and fun to have it personalized!

  2. LOL I love that picture where Mia's making a crazy face, sitting and placing with some building materials.

  3. Twelve months has gone by so quickly. Watch out! she is on her (very fast) two feet now.
    Beautiful pictures,nicely done, keep it coming.

  4. i love the pics! she's so cute!!! btw, love the outfit ;) it fits her perfectly!


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