Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Picture Frame Wall - Holiday Redo

The set of black picture frames on my wall has been bothering me. It was supposed to be a wall filled with pictures of all the wonderful places we traveled, since we did a lot trips when we first started working. But now, who knows when our next trip will be!  And lately the plain black frames and the pictures have been boring me.  With the holidays, I knew the perfect way to spruce it up!

I bought a print for $5 from GroopDealz (which is like Groupon, but appears to be more focused on artsy craftsy things, which I found out about from  I bought a vibrant red frame at Michael’s, on sale for $10, and then another 25% off frames coupon. My credit card bills seriously consist of Jewel, Jerry’s, Target, Michael’s, Jewel, Jerry’s, Target, Michael’s, and repeat. It will probably go on this way until after Mia’s birthday party in February, eek!

Anyway, I filled the surrounding frames with scrap pieces of wrapping paper and gift bags.  So for less than $15 my new wall adds some holiday cheer to the rest of my Winter Wonderland (which you'll eventually see, probably when I get some presents wrapped), yippee! And it’ll be easy to swap out the wrapping paper for other fabrics/scrapbook paper as the seasons and holidays change throughout the year.

Before: couldn't find a good picture without people in it.
After: eeeeeeee J It's the little things that make me giggly inside.

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