Tuesday, December 21, 2010

DIY - Gift Bows

I’ve mentioned how much I love this time of year.  I also love wrapping presents. J  And I love admiring all the pretty gifts under our little tree.  I get SO sad when Christmas Eve and Day comes when there’s no more gifts under the tree and it looks so empty L
I still remember how when I was little, I’d watch my mom wrap presents, helping out by putting my finger on the ribbon so she could tie a bow.  I also remember asking her to teach me how to gift wrap.  I can’t wait for Mia to ask me how! And now I recently discovered how to make my own gift bows thanks to How About Orange She even made one out of a map of Skokie!
This is a great way to use the leftover scraps of wrapping paper. And so much prettier than those smashed, uneven bows you buy in a bag!
Mia's trying to get her hands on some presents a few days early!

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