Monday, November 22, 2010

So Much to Learn!

Now that I am in the Food + Foto class, I am inspired by other people’s creative shots and am realizing that there is so much to learn! 

The Steamy Kitchen is really helpful in seeing how other people setup for the money shot.  It’s amazing that mouth watering photos of food can be created with little space.  I love seeing her photo series which has commentary starting from the pictures that didn’t make the cut and ending with deliciousness. 

We were supposed to think of a project concept for the six week class, but I couldn’t think of one.  But now, two weeks in, I’ve decided that I want to make my home cooked dishes look more sophisticated and interesting than a mom snapping pictures of what came out of her kitchen. It makes me uneasy to write that goal out because I’ll be held accountable to it and how I’ve progressed four weeks from now…oh well, the only way to learn is by making mistakes first, right? Practice makes perfect! And I know I'm a tough critic on myself, especially being a perfectionist.  But Darcy put it best on Day 17 of her 31 Days to a Better Photo series that "You have to learn to be content with good okay with the best your lenses can do and don’t beat yourself up when your photos aren’t like the pros. You can make yourself feel better knowing just how much money you’re saving by allowing the photos you take to be good enough. If you’re not a pro, don’t spend like one." I'll have to remind myself that I am not a professional. I'm just a CPA (haha snore), and good enough will have to do sometimes.

Check back tomorrow for my third Food + Foto shot and recipe.

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