Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What will you get with a onesie, sweatpants, headband hat, 2 pairs of socks, pipe cleaners, and some felt?

A toki! J  I know, Mia is going to be one of those kids who is embarrassed all the time because her mom feels the need to make everything.  But that’s ok, because hopefully she’ll pick up on some craftiness like I did from my Mom and Grandma J And yes, we can just as more easily buy her a costume to save myself the time and effort.  BUT, we all know Mama Stuart would rather make any thing she can. *Warning: This will be lengthy if you don't care about crafts, which is probably 95% of you.* It was easy (and less than $2)! Just cut out some shapes for the ears, paws and tummy and hand sew them on.  This concept could easily apply to other costumes like a pumpkin, cow, mouse, cat, lady bug, bumble bee, Dalmation, skeleton, zebra, skunk, etc. The first ear was a little tricky – I had to make sure not to let the needle catch both the front and back of the sock, otherwise you have a sock sewn shut.  But after I got the hang of it, it went a lot quicker.  The pipe cleaners were used inside the ears to give it a little more shape and form.  I was going to use a headband for the ears, but it didn’t stay on as well as the hat did.  And it kept Mia warmer. J
To make her tail, I used the concept as here, except with flowers that had a lot more petals. I ran out of white felt but the tail was nowhere near bushy yet.  But I did have a pile of white felt scraps next to me.  So I crumpled those up into a ball, stuck the needle and thread in random spots to secure the ball, then sewed it together with the original flower I made.  Now I had a round bushy tail to safety pin onto her pants. J 

I used the orange and green felt to make her carrots – we loved them! We’ll definitely keep those for her future kitchen set. To make these, I cut out the pattern, sewed along the open end, flipped inside out, sewed some carrot-like dirt/texture details, stuffed with scrap fabrics, cut out some greenery, rolled the greenery, sewed the greenery so it wouldn’t unroll, stuck it in the middle, and sewed the thing shut!  When Mia gets her kitchen set a few years from now there will be plenty more felt cookies, sandwiches, burgers, and fruit to come! 

Then I realized that Mia (aka Doug) didn’t have anything to collect candy in.  So I made a bigger carrot with a handle instead of stuffing it or sewing it shut.  Clearly, Mia is enjoying trick-or-treating as much as we are.

We stopped by Grandma and Halmani’s houses before going to my brother’s for trick or treating with the cousins.  Mia was soooo happy all day and was definitely pooped by the time it was dark.  Hope you all had a fun Halloween too!

Mia is good at giving kisses (or eating your face) now. J Thanks for having me over cousin Ryu!
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