Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Food + Foto::Souvenir Foto School

Each week for the next six weeks, I’ll be posting a picture of food. 

From here, I joined a Flickr group (Foto + Food::Souvenir Foto School) based on a recommendation from a MishaMedia 101 Facebook friend.  As I was taking pictures of dinner the other night (you’ll see in tomorrow’s post), I thought to myself, “Ugh…I could use some tips on how to get this right. How do I style food? Why doesn't it look as good in my shots as it does in front of me??”  I usually get easily frustrated with the focus, lighting, framing, and am just plain hungry!  So the timing of this class couldn’t be better.  I look forward to getting critiques, tips, and more traffic to the blog. J  I hope I can whet your appetite! Let me know what you think in the coming weeks.

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!