Friday, October 15, 2010

Perfect Ending - Gelato and a Sunset in Laguna

Since we checked LA off the list on Saturday, we spent Sunday along the coast.
We drove down PCH to hit up the pier at Huntington Beach, check out our dream homes around Corona Del Mar, have lunch at In-N-Out (Animal Style), and grab gelato and the sunset in Laguna Beach.

We were meant to have gelato since our parking was right in front of this cute little alley way hiding Gelato Paradiso.  When I stepped in, I was squealing with excitement!  I knew right away from seeing the mounds of creamy goodness that it would be sooo delicious!  Until this hidden gem, I had yet to find gelato in the states that resemble what I had in Italy every single day.

To enjoy our gelato, we found a bench along the boardwalk to take in the setting sun. It couldn’t have been a more perfect ending for a trip with three of my friends that I have known since I was three years old.  Love you girls!


  1. this reminded me of the time you and Doug did your cali drive and visited me while I was out there...all pre-babies! :)

    i will be following your craft/culinary/life adventures!

  2. Hi Jackie! All I kept talking about in the car with my girlfriends was how beautiful Highway 1 was. Thanks for taking us to the beach and letting us all watch a movie on your couch lol! We need to art project together :)


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!