Monday, April 21, 2014

Little Man/Bow Tie Themed 1st Birthday Party

In addition to photographing Baby Corby as he got SO big throughout the year, I put together a party plan with ideas for his Little Man/Bow Tie/Newspaper themed 1st birthday party. I loved how his mama pulled it all together!
Invitations always set the tone for an event and these custom newspaper invitations could not be more perfect!

Speaking of custom, how amazing are these custom party favor cookies!? The caricature is spot on from Corby's 9 month photo session!

If there's any time to display pictures of your baby, their first birthday party is the time to do it! Corby's mom used her fireplace and mantle to the fullest to display photos of Corby throughout his first year.

A craft punch was super helpful in creating a bazillion bow ties and mustaches to use throughout the party.
Corby's mama had newspapers on display from the day Corby was born. And she came up with fun games like "Scatter-Corby's".
Awesome job mama! For more little man/bow tie/newspaper themed birthday party ideas, you can follow my pinterest board here.

Party Plan & Photography - a {day} with lil mama – me!
Invitation – Lily Red Studio
Custom Cookies - Parker's Crazy Cookies

Thursday, April 10, 2014

31 on 31

You might've noticed that this lil blog of mine has been slow with new posts since last fall. But for good reason, since I've been resting for baby girl #2! Just a few weeks ago I was 31 weeks pregnant on my 31st birthday.

Despite my slow waddle and everyone saying how much bigger I look this time around, I feel great and wanted to capture this time in my life. I always encourage mamas to have maternity photos made because parents need to get in pictures! These moments are once in a lifetime! Kids should have pictures to look at to remember the times/memories/moments we all had together (not just a picture of them alone doing what they're doing). When they grow up they're not going to want to see a bazillion pictures of themselves. They're going to want to see the moments they shared with family and friends. The very people who make them who they are today. And to see how beautiful their parents were before they came along.

At a maternity session, the focus is not just on you nor do you do it for yourself. It's for your family. The focus is on that little life you've been harboring. If it's the second time around, it's about the older child embracing your belly and learning about what's in there. The last time as a family of three. The last time the focus is on that first child. The focus is on your love and family growing. It's about looking back and remembering exactly how you felt, being pregnant at this moment and time in your life. Not just how you looked. You won't ever feel this way again. You don't get to go back and redo it, should you regret your decision. So just do it! *end spiel* Even if you don't hire someone to do it, just do it! All these pictures were made on a tripod with a cheap remote I bought 2 days prior, in our alley, in 30 minutes. And I am so glad we did it.
Although Mia was a little disappointed to find out she wasn't spending the entire day with me on my birthday, I couldn't be happier that she understands that birthdays are for celebrating with family and friends. While last year I hosted a party to celebrate the year my friends and I turned the big 3-0, this year I was spoiled by those nearest and dearest to me. 
I started the day by finally trying Bongo Room's brunch....super sweet and delicious white chocolate and caramel pretzel pancakes and chocolate banana french toast (the waiter let me mix and match since I couldn't decide!) and a melt in your mouth savory lobster roll benedict. 

Thanks to Doug, I had some time alone to shop and was treated to a pre-natal massage at Urban Oasis. Mamas - they have a hole in the table for your belly for the first half and being on your back with various wedges for the second half was sooo relaxing. I totally agree with all the Yelpers who said the complimentary rain shower is THE best! Like I was in a shampoo commercial. And never wanted to get out.

Then after a quick nap I was off to my friend's place who threw me a combo birthday party/baby sprinkle (a smaller shower since it's my second child). I am so grateful to have family and friends who made time to spend the day with me. I truly felt special and loved, as everyone should on their birthdays. My friends bought new books for baby #2 and rather than presents for my second girl (who already has plenty of hand me downs!) everyone brought such thoughtful gifts for me! Between the comfy clothes, luxurious soaps and lotions, Michael's gift card, makeup, massage, wine (I can't wait!!) and wonderful friends certainly didn't forget that mamas need to be taken care of too! Thank you so much ladies!

When picking out a nail polish for the mani/pedi part of my sprinkle/birthday party, I grabbed a light pink, which I never do. It happened to be called "It's a Girl!" so naturally, I couldn't pass it up.

Mia could not be more ready for her little sister. Ever since we told Mia the news around 12 weeks, without our telling her to, she includes baby in all her family drawings, tells us what she/we will share/teach/do with baby, and gives my belly kisses every single day. I hope this trend continues even after baby gets here!
Only 7 more weeks to go! It's going to fly by!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

{Fiona} - 3 months

I photographed Baby Fiona when she was in her mama's belly, as a newborn, and now this little blue eyed beauty is three months old...
Look at those long dark lashes! I know baby girl, photo shoots can be so tiring! I can't wait to see you again for your six month session as you get so big!