Wednesday, April 17, 2013

{Erin} - 2 Years

March and April are busy birthday months! In March, my Grandma turned 90, nephew turned 2, I turned 30 and my niece also had a birthday. You've watched Erin grow from 2 weeks old... {click on each image to go to that post}

...and now here she is at 2 years! 

Along with jumping around on Mommy and Daddy's bed, Erin sure loves all her baby dolls. Erin even tried stealing all of Mia's dolls when they were over for Mia's birthday party! Erin held her baby doll's hand to play with her toys, show her the trees outside her window and even changed her diaper, complete with diaper cream!

Isn't Erin going to be such a good big sister? We'll see how she adjusts to having a real baby to live with in June. Check back tomorrow for my sister in law's maternity portraits!

So much can change in two years...

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful little girl! LOVE that one of her as a baby in front of the door. Elijah totally thought it was Mia. I was like no honey - it's her cousin :).


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