Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Introducing {Baby Evan}

Before the holidays, a friend contacted me about gifting a newborn family portrait session to her brother, sister-in-law and new nephew. Umm, yes please! I can't think of a better gift for a new family! Would you like to meet Baby Evan?
Family from Hawaii sent beautiful quilts so the newest addition could snuggle up with love from afar.

Being half Chinese, Evan was born in the year of the dragon. And has this little dragon from his uncle and necklace from his grandmother to show for it.

I'm not sure why, but Asian babies always have such soft spiky hair. Love it! And the hair color of half Asian babies is always a gorgeous shade of brown that is to die for! 

As with all newborn sessions, there's bound to be some crying. But that always makes for picture perfect hugs and kisses.

Even the dog, Bailey, wanted some love.

During the entire session, Evan peacefully drifted in and out of sleep and would be wide awake one minute...

...And fast asleep the next...
...With the exception of his wardrobe changes. This boy did not like being naked!

Evan calmed down in no time with the slow and steady sway of an irreplaceable heirloom - his dad's bassinet made by his great grandfather.

And incredibly soft baby toesies.

Congratulations you guys! Baby Evan was just the perfect package to arrive before the holidays.

I hope the hustle and bustle of the holidays wasn't too exhausting!

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