Friday, August 3, 2012

DIY Alphabet Flash Cards

Last weekend my friend noticed Mia's ABC flashcards and questioned if I made them. Of course she knew the answer was yes! But she didn't really know why I would DIY my own alphabet flashcards when I could easily buy them. Considering time, effort, money, supplies and difficulty, I pick my battles when deciding what projects to DIY versus buy. Since this was an easy, cheap project that Mia could help with, I chose to DIY. What can I say, it just makes my heart happy!
Cost: few bucks for cardstock
Supplies: printables, cardstock, glue stick
Time: 15 minutes

Thanks to Homemade by Jill, all I had to do was download her FREE printables then print, cut and glue each one to cardstock. Mia liked helping with this project and really does enjoy doing her flashcards. And yes, my "freak of nature genius baby" (what my friends call my 2.5 year old) knows all the pictures and nearly all the letters. J


  1. Very cute! If he knows all the letters, you should totally take advantage of learning the sounds.

    I highly recommend this book called Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons. It has a script for the parents to read, so you work the program with enjoyment.

  2. super cute! we love flash cards around here. june still enjoys them and bear feeds off her.

  3. So cute! I’d love for you to link up this (and any other ideas you’d like to share) at "One Creative Weekend" on

  4. I’m so glad you linked this up at One Creative Weekend! I love it! I’d love for you to join the party again tomorrow. I'm off to download the free printables!


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