Monday, April 16, 2012

Maya & Jenelle

This weekend was Maya’s 2nd birthday. Didn't her mom do such a good job making this Minnie Mouse cake?!

You’ve seen Maya at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and now here she is for her 2 year portrait session. 
{click on pictures to go to each post}

You’ve also watched Maya’s little sister, Jenelle, get SO big from 1 week, 3 months, 6 months and now 9 months. These girls are near and dear to me as I’ve been friends with their mom since we were three years old!
{click on images to go to each post}

We started our portrait session at the park...

Then took a walk around the block. Mia happily tagged along while mommy "worked".

Maya and Jenelle sure made me work for some smiles! At an hour and a half, it was definitely the longest walk around the block Andrea and I have ever had. But we’ll just call it “quality” time together with our girls. And it worked out just fine!

Thank goodness for beautiful Spring weather!

After lunch it was time to head inside...

Don't you love Maya's big beautiful eyes...

Then it was on to baby sister Jenelle, who just like last time, loved my bedroom!

At six months old, Jenelle was just barely sitting up on her own. Now at nine months, she's starting to stand!

I love her curls and all that baby fat!

While Maya and Jenelle played with Mia's toys on one side of the room...

...Mia curled up with Daisy and a blankie to pass out on the other side!

Thanks for a tiring fun afternoon! Love hanging out with you girls!

linked up here:
Live, Love, TravelSweet Shot Day


  1. Those girls are so adorable! Great pictures of them ... and love the one of Mia passed out! :)

  2. I cannot get over how beautiful these girls are. And that picture of Maya from above is BREATHTAKING! Fabulous! So good to see you this weekend!

  3. Hi!
    They are both cuties! Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  4. I adore the photograph of the littel girls holding hands and walking away from the camera. In fact I really like all your shots, what a beautiful photojournal of your day.

  5. too much cuteness for one post! these are incredible shots. Joining you from live love travel

  6. Just when I thought one was my favorite, I would scroll and well....can't pick one! Seriously, these are all so fabulous, but I do LoVe the one of the two girls walking hand in hand!

  7. You get to photograph some real cutie pies and they are all such lovely shots x x

  8. Wow, these photos are beautiful and so are the children! You do a wonderful job with your photography.

  9. i admit i'm partial to kids with big dark eyes, but all three girls are just beautiful.

  10. these are beautiful! What beautiful little girls! So fun to watch them grow through pictures!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!