Thursday, March 8, 2012

{Aiden} - 1 Year!

Today my nephew turns one! The last you saw him was when he was 100 days old (a Korean milestone). 

He is such a calm and soft spoken boy.

But when it was just the two of us, he gave me plenty of smiles!

Sometimes when I photograph children, I prefer when it’s just me and the child. Their eyes are on me and they pay attention to the silly noises I make we have fun hanging out.   

Happy Birthday, little man! We’ll see you soon for your dol (Korean 1st birthday).


  1. Great pictures lil mama!

  2. Oh my word what a beautiful little boy! Great job Mindy!

  3. such a cutie pie! another job well done, mindy!

  4. Awesome photos. You really take great photos!

  5. gah! he is adorable. that hair and those eyes. he's gonna be a heartbreaker.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!