Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 11 of 2011

I stumbled across a few blogs doing a Top 11 {photos of your kids} of 2011 linky party and I figured I might as well too! Considering I have well over 15,000 pictures from this year (and I had to take a day off work to go through my own personal pictures just so I could make a 2012 calendar), it was not an easy task to pick just 11 shots! They may not be the best images photography wise, but they do make my heart stop and think about how lucky I am to have this happy little girl in my life. And it really is just about capturing the moment, no matter how flawed it may be technically. Here are my top 11 of 2011 in chronological order...

1. {Easter at Auntie's house} Love how wonder fills a child's imagination just from looking out the window.

2. {Fun at the park} Mia loved spending every day at the park!

3. {First strawberry shortcake ice cream treat!} Mia loved sitting out on the balcony. And has a sweet tooth like mommy!

4. {Getting ready for swim class} Mia loves checkin' herself out in the mirror just like mommy!

5. {Being silly at Auntie's house} eeeeeeeeeeeeeee smuuuuuuuuuuush faaaaaace...

6. {Picnic at the lake} This sweet moment makes my heart pause and smile.

7. {4th of July tradition} I can see this framed on her dresser when she's all grown up. There's something about gazing out over water that makes time stop while you take it all in.

8. {Silly silly girl} She's got quite the personality!

9. {ommmm corn} So she may have food in her teeth, but she loooooooves corn. And how can that squeezable boxy face, crinkle nose and little squinty eyes not make you smile?

10. {First look at her tutu} My itty bitty ballerina is adoring her first dance outfit.

11. {Baby's first candy cane} "mMmMm sooo yummmmy" She got a big kick out of her fingers sticking to her face.

*sigh* There's SO many more I wanted to include, but I really restrained myself to stay within the guidelines. I hope my baby girl gave you a little smile today J Which one was your favorite?

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  1. I loooooooooooove them!!! You should've picked top 2011 to match the year! :)

  2. thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :) omg your baby is adorable!!! i particularly love her swimsuit.

  3. Those pictures are adorable!!!! Great picks! I agree with Doug though, maybe you should have picked 2011! :)

  4. Oh my goodness. I love these shots. Soooo adorable!! Thanks so much for linking up with us.

  5. I can see why it was hard to only choose 11. She makes any photo totally adorable with that sweet smile. I adore the one of her and her daddy looking over the water, but they all capture so many moments and so much of her personality.

    Thanks so much for linking up with us.

  6. These are precious! I can see why you have taken so many pictures of her! I really love the hazy soft feel of the strawberry one :O) The first look at the tu-tu is tu-tu cute (sorry I couldn't resist) Thanks so much for linking up with us!

  7. Oh my goodness. She is just so freakin' adorable!! I have no idea how you managed to narrow it down to only 11.

  8. SO BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend! Mia is adorable!

  9. OMG she is the cutest little thing...aren't girls so much fun! (i have a one year old and its the funnest age so far!)


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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!