Friday, December 9, 2011

Good Night Chicago - Lincoln Park

Last year, I decided to put together our own version of the book "Good Night Chicago." After we take pictures all around the city, I'll make it into a book. Then when Mia grows up, she'll have pictures with Chicago's iconic landmarks and can hopefully show her kids to see how the city has (or hasn't) changed.

When my cousin came at the end of October, I convinced her to take our babies to the Lincoln Park Zoo. You never know when Chicago weather will turn cold or wet with no more warm sunshine for the rest of the I had to spend any chance I could outside! Here's the view of Chicago's skyline (John Hancock, Trump Tower, Sears Tower and everything in between) from the bridge by the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Hello, kids and kites in Lincoln Park.
And because I couldn't pick just one...
  *sigh* I love this city. And this silly little girl. © And I guess this guy too.

Only six more pages to go!
     Good morning, Lake Michigan. (There's a lot: May 2010, May 2011, July 2011, and many more not blogged about!)
     Good morning, Chicago Harbor Lighthouse. Are we ready for a wonderful day? (Not sure this will ever happen.)
     Good afternoon, sharks, fish, turtles and mammals at the aquarium.     
     Wow! Look at those dinosaur bones at the Field Museum of Natural History.
     Choo! Choo! There go the model trains at the Museum of Science and Industry. (ETA - 2/9/2012)
     It's nice to see you, art.
     Hello, historic Water Tower on the Magnificent Mile.
     Good luck, Chicago Sports Teams, you can do it. Can they??  (ETA - summer 2012)
     Just listen to those blues and jazz musicians. (This'll be something new for Doug and I, too!)
     Good evening, star gazers at the planetarium. Have you ever wished upon a star?
     Goodnight Chicago, sleep tight. Thank you for a wonderful day!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she's sooo happy!!! :D

  2. What a cute idea, to make your own version of the book. I'm sure she will love it!

  3. I love this idea. Elijah told me that Mia is your best friend :). He's such a cutie!

  4. oh my. Absolutely precious! You're so lucky!


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