Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

For the first time in four years, I missed my friend’s pumpkin carving party. But, with the bigggggg punnnnnnnnkin that we picked up from Goebbert’s, we carved this spider up (idea from here). My dad called it a crab though L Check out this post to see what we carved up the last four years and how Maya went from Tigger to Eyeore and now her little sister is Tigger J And I guess Mia could pass for Piglet instead of a puppy L
Sunday, we took the kids to a neighborhood parade. I hope the kids had more fun than Ryu makes it seem! 
Monday, we took Mia trick or treating with our neighbors and my babies loved it! The kids surprisingly made it up and down five blocks in an hour, mostly on their own. It felt very safe and welcoming with everyone in the neighborhood sitting at the bottom of their steps to greet the kids. Which is helpful when you have tiny legs and lots of steep steps....
And I liked peering inside their big houses like a creeper haha. Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
I'll be digging through Mia's stash muhahaha.


  1. Jenelle's face is waaay too cute. She's like - GET ME OUT OF THIS FREAKING COSTUME! Hahahaha

  2. this post made me laugh a lot!
    great costume and pumkin carving. (and i like being a creeper too!)


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