Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fall Family Photos in the Forest Preserve

To have pictures ready in time for Christmas/holiday cards, October is busy busy with family photo sessions. Luckily this October was very sunny, warm and dry in Chicago. To take advantage of the weather and avoid blinding sunlight, we headed out to the nearby Forest Preserve in the late afternoon.

It was so tiring much fun running around with Drew (6) and Jack (3).

Jack was full of energy and smiles!

What's a fall Sunday without football?

I love how the boys want to be firefighters, just like both Grandpas.

Bear hugs for mama!

Happy (early) birthday boys! You did great!
**Don’t see any family pictures in this post? I don’t want to spoil their Christmas/Holiday card!**

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. So great! Love the pic where Drew and Jackson are running ahead of mom and dad! :)

  2. Oh wow...these came out GREAT!! Loved them all.

    Especially the last one...

  3. Definitely some sweet shots! The running one is such a terrific family shot...captures the time of a family having two little boys perfectly!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!