Thursday, September 29, 2011

**CLOSED** Giveaway #4 - Paper Culture

If you’re new around here, have you checked out giveaways 1, 2 and 3 for my blogiversary? Take a peek, you can still enter!

So you’ve heard about Paper Culture here, here and here. But let me give you a refresher on why this modern eco stationery company impressed me time after time. Do check out their holiday cards/invitations,
modern baby announcements, baby shower invitations, birthday party/other invitations, thank you cards and stationary.
  1. Customize. It was a breeze to customize the colors (background, font, images) of my invitation to go from their Holiday Party red to my Winter One-derland lilac. After one request, the proof came back looking exactly like I wanted.
  2. Fast. Turnaround time was quick. After requesting edits, the proof came back shortly thereafter. After placing my order, it was shipped two days later.
  3. Mailed without ever going to the post office (for free + cost of stamp). You can enter all your addresses and Paper Culture ships your cards for you. No buying stamps, licking envelopes or waiting in line at the post office.
  4. Individual Personal Messages (for free). I entered one general message to print on the back of all my invites. But in addition to that, I easily personalized each and every message that got mailed out.
  5. Repeatedly surprising me. I received a $15 credit for filling out a quick survey. Then out of nowhere, my shipping was upgraded for free and would arrive a few days sooner. Then after I received my pretty little box of cards, there was a 20% off coupon for a future purchase. It was like bringing a sale item up to the register to find out it was discounted even more – pleasant surprise and score!
  6. Heavy cardstock. Don’t you just love the feel of solid quality paper? Haha ok probably not everyone notices these things. But I sure do! And rounded corners add a nice touch too! Here’s how they compare themselves to typical competitors like Tiny Prints and Shutterfly.
  7. Ecofriendly. They plant a tree with every order!
I definitely appreciate good customer service and attention to detail which sometimes is hard to come by these days. As you can see, I had a very positive experience with Paper Culture for Mia’s Winter One-derland birthday party last year. And even better when I won their contest for free passes to BlogHer J They did not compensate me for this post. They did not provide me with any free products. They are not my sponsor (I don’t have any). I loved them before the free conference passes.

Have I sold you on it yet? I hope so, because they have a $50 gift voucher for one of you! Here’s how you can enter to win: {If your account isn't linked to your email, make sure you leave it in a comment!}

Required: Stop by Paper Culture and comment on this post with what you’d use your voucher for.

Optional extra entries, one for each: {leave a separate comment here for each that you did}. 
Like Paper Culture on FB.
Subscribe to a {day} with lil mama stuart via email – if you already do, just let me know!
Follow me via Google Friend Connect - no blog/blogger account needed! If you already do, just let me know!
Tweet this giveaway.
Post this giveaway on your blog.
Post this giveaway on your FB page.

That’s a total of seven possible entries per person! Giveaway ends Sunday, October 2, 2011 at 11:59 CST. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Monday.


  1. Ready for all my entries? I posted it on my FB.

  2. You said a different comment for each thing I do right? I hope I'm not driving you cuh-razy! I subscribed to you by email.

  3. I tweeted the giveaway. @tracy_jean Does lil mama stuart have a twitter?

  4. I would use them on 1st Birthday invitations!

  5. I would use them for invites to my baby's first birthday party. So many cute ones to choose from!

  6. Already follow your blog!

  7. First -- Happy 1st Blogiversary! :)
    I Like'd Paper Culture on FB!

  8. ... and I've subscribed to you blog via email!

  9. ... and I posted this giveaway on my blog!

  10. and lastly... I posted your giveway on my FB page!

    hehe.. thanks!!

  11. oh wait! One more... I would soooo get a set of Family Stationary to use! Their designs are super cute!!

  12. Ok I really want this one. ;-) So many to choose from! Prob either chic and modern or rustic paper (in pink!)

  13. And I posted it on Facebook.... I better win something this week! ;-) Haha.

  14. Congrats & Happy Blogiversary! I am a new blogger too and I think a year is quite the feat! I have given myself 1 year to see if mine succeeds. Many more blogiversaries to you! BTW- Thank you for stopping by and pinning my Rustic centerpiece. Danette

  15. What a neat shop and way too many choices of stationery. I really like the "Modern Circles" note cards and stationery.


  16. I'm one of your newest followers. Saw your comment on Hi Sugarplum and thought I check out your blog. I love what I've seen so far and will continue to check out your past blog posts. Congratulations on the one year anniversary or should I saw blogievesary.


  17. Congrats on the blogiversary! Hoping the upcoming year brings many fun things for you! This is a great giveaway from an adorable company! I'd use the cards for thank you cards for the many people who have helped with my daughters medical expenses over the past couple years - too many adorable designs to choose from!

  18. Posted on FB (Samantha Vales Schultz

  19. Blog giveaway!

  20. i would use it on holiday cards!

  21. i liked them on FB

  22. i subscribe to you :)

  23. google friend connect..check!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!