Thursday, July 7, 2011

DIY Wedding Gift - Monogram Pillowcases

Yesterday I told you about my friends’ wedding. And as you should know by now, I like to include unique/personal handmade gifts with a “real” gift. Since their invite included a monogram, I made them pillowcases to match J It'd be a great bridal shower gift too (along with a sheet set), but I was in Riviera Maya and missed it!
Since I’ve had Ashlee’s Tupperware for nearly a year now, I thought it was time to give it back haha.
I ♥ when things fit in the perfect sized box J  
Chris told me that Ashlee damn near cried when she opened my gift. Haha. And that is why I like to make gifts J I whipped up the two appliqued pillowcases and two other gifts (for my godson and his brother), while catching up with a friend over a bottle of wine. Now how is that for an exciting Friday night and multitasking!? Get my DIY appliqué tutorial here.

I’d love to show you the two boy gifts as well, but I can’t post a gift before I give it! Even though their birthdays were in April. *gasp* I’m such a  bad ninang L You'll see it eventually!

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Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


  1. Visiting from the Alexa Hop from I stumbled this post and followed you;)

  2. Very cute, love the green.
    I'm a new follower and I'm visiting you from the Alexa Blog Hop, stop by when you get a chance :)

  3. I LOVE this!!

    Stopping by from the Alexa hop...would love if you could visit Keenly Kristin.

    Kristin :)


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