Thursday, April 7, 2011

Urban Cozy

We’ve been in our place for 2 ½ years and will probably move out in a few, but I am still working on decorating. And probably will forever. I am really hesitant with large purchases (both in size and $$) and am intimidated by blank walls. But I finally decided to invest in two large Chicago pieces and have decided that the look/feel we (me) are going for is urban cozy. Does that make sense? Because Doug has no idea what I mean. But as long as I know, that's all that matters right? haha

I like things to be meaningful and personal. And I want to embrace the few years that we have in the city because I know we’ll end up growing old in the suburbs. Ha, that sounds way more depressing than I meant it to be. I loved this Chicago neighborhoods subway art canvas on etsy for awhile and contemplated on how I could do it myself. But I knew that it wouldn’t look as good, would still be costly, and time I just said let’s get it! You gotta do a cost benefit analysis sometimes. Ha, that's the accountant in me talking, sorry. And I have one more Chicago piece coming in a few weeks! *aaaah* I’m slowly filling up the empty spaces. What do you think? 
linked up with Darcy and Little Miss Momma
Sweet Shot Day


  1. That is gorgeous subway art! It looks perfect on that wall.

  2. It's so awesome! I love it (: Subway art is great!

  3. Love the subway art! I am envious that you live in the city. I love Chicago...


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!