Friday, April 15, 2011

Introducing {Baby Erin}

My SIL never asked me, but I wanted to take pictures of the little girl growing in her belly. Before Erin arrived, I had been dreaming up all sorts of staging in their beautiful home which you’ve already seen here, here, here and here, haha. When I told my SIL that I wanted to do a newborn photo shoot for her, she gladly accepted my offer J And so I introduce you to my new niece...
At least someone will put this beautiful headband to use!
Maybe she didn't like the headband? Or the tutu? Or me shuffling her around, disturbing her warm peaceful sleep? 
But some good ol' milk, burping, and cuddling helped put her at ease. 
 She likes to cuddle J
And is very indecisive about whether she wants to be awake or asleep.
Hey there pretty girl!
This little bundle of joy arrived a few days late. But now that she's here Mia can't wait to play!
I thought this was too funny not to include. Look at how big my itty bitty baby got!

As with some art projects, not all of the fabulous ideas in my head translated to my finished product. But after going through the 300 pictures, I was pleasantly surprised with what I came up with.  *sigh* There will always be a lot to learn. I’ll be meeting baby Noah tomorrow, yippee!  Practice, practice, practice!
linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. These look fantastic! What a beautiful little girl.

  2. Great job! The pictures and your editing look fantastic!

  3. great job mindy!! beautiful pictures and baby erin :)

  4. She's adorable congratulations to the proud new Aunt!

    Stopping by from the Alexa hop, have a great weekend.

  5. You did a great job, the pictures are terrific! What a beautiful little baby too.

    I am stopping by from the Spearmint Baby Alexa hop!

  6. New follower from Spearmint Baby's Alexa blog hop -- your new niece is beautiful (must be something about the name ), as are the pictures!

  7. Oh how I love newborns.. very cute!

  8. She is a sweetie! Definitely a sweet shot :)

  9. Beautiful Photos, what an adorable baby, you have captured them so well.

  10. Beautiful Photos, what an adorable baby, you have captured them so well. Thank you for sharing these.

  11. She is beautiful and your photographs are amazing!

  12. Beautiful Pictures! You have an amazing eye!

    I'm a new follower from the Spearmint Alexa Hop, would love a follow back.


  13. Oh my goodness, precious! I saw you on Spearmint Baby!

  14. Oh my, seriously the most beautiful newborn I have ever seen! I am serious!!! stunning little one :)

  15. She is so adorable! Nice pics =) You're getting better and better at this!

  16. You persevered and ended up with some lovely photos!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!