Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Dishwasher - Clean or Dirty??

Do you ever have this problem, or is it just me? Since Doug and I both load and unload the dishwasher, sometimes I can’t tell whether the dishes are clean or not. For the longest time, I’ve been trying to think of a way to make a sign or magnet or something so we would know.

I came across this CD turned dishwasher magnet tutorial one day and was totally going to do it. But then the next day we went out and bought Mia magnet letters and numbers for the fridge and then I had a different idea!

We borrowed a “c” and a “d” from Mia's set. When clean, the “c” will be on the dishwasher and the “d” will be on the fridge (up high out of Mia’s reach). When dirty, the opposite. This method totally makes me happy J Ha, odd little things make me happy, I’m aware.

It’s been a few weeks and finally one letter has gone missing, the “c”. But that’s ok, because we can just assume it’s clean if the “d” is up high on the fridge.
 Hope that’s helpful to someone out there!


  1. ahh too cute! thanks for sharing! now this my dog would DEFINITELY eat! lol

  2. Stopping by from the blog hop!
    That's a great idea. I usually just do the examine and sniff test to see if the dishes are clean. This idea is better though, but knowing me I'd probably forget to change from D to C.



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