Thursday, February 3, 2011

Blizzard of the Century!

We just accumulated the third largest snowfall in Chicago history, checking in at 20 inches between yesterday and today. The blizzard came with lightning, thunder and 60 mph winds. It was unreal! But I still  love love love all the seasons Chicago has to offer, extremities and all.
1pm - no more car!
9am - car on the right.

And 358 days ago we got half of what we did today, 10 inches.  Doug had to drive to the hospital on unplowed streets, talk to our parents on the phone and coach me through 2 minute contractions all at the same time. So this snowfall came just in time for Mia’s Winter One-derland party! Just kidding, I know this was a nightmare for a lot of people. But I hope you were able to get out there and play before the temperatures drop to below zero.  I love playing in the snow and I had to take Mia out there since this is the "blizzard of the century!" haha the news is silly sometimes.   I remember pictures of me and my brother bundled up when I was 2, so I had to make sure Mia has the same pictures to remember J

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