Tuesday, December 7, 2010

DIY - Flower Wreath

Whenever I look through catalogs, I rip out pages of things that I like and put the idea in a box for a rainy day.  A few months ago, this Crate & Barrel wreath caught my eye.  (You should be able to figure out my favorite color by now.)  As with most things, I thought to myself, that’s expensive and I can SO make that!  $100 for a wreath!? That’s just absurd for my frugal and crafty wallet.  I decided to make this recently as a cute little housewarming gift.  

Foam wreath - $4 w/coupon
Silk flowers - $3/each on sale (I used 2 red hydrangea bunches and white flowers to accent)
Hot glue gun and a package of glue sticks – already had on hand
Wire (for hanging, stolen from my dad’s stash of hardware/tools)
Wire cutter (also stolen from my craftsman father)
  1. Lay out newspapers.  My flowers had glitter.  And glitter drives Doug insane.
  2. Make a place to hang the wreath. I used some wire to bend/wrap around the wreath to make a hook. 
  3. Snip the flowers off the long stem, leaving a little nub to stick into the wreath.
  4. Glue the late night away!  For each flower, I took my glue gun (I hate glue guns by the way, as you can see by my scar/burn from this project)  and would let the heat make a hole in the foam wreath. 
That way I had a hole to stick the nub of the flower in and the flower could lay better.  SamsterMommy has a good illustration.  I let some flowers overlap so you don’t see the foam wreath.  You could leave the wreath one color, like this one from Target, but I wanted to break it up a bit. 

So I took little white flowers and stuck them wherever there was a gap or I could see the foam wreath.  Just keep filling/gluing until you feel it looks right. 

For less than $15, I made a much prettier (and cheaper) wreath than those in the stores J  Granted it’s not as large, but still, even if I did make it way bigger, it’d be cheaper and better, right!? I also added the leaves from my hydrangea stems so it wouldn't be a dinky little circle. Kinda reminds me of angel wings.
Yep that's my bathroom. It was late night crafting again and I didn't think to remove my Christmas wreath from its hanger, put the hanger on a prettier door and then take pictures of this new wreath. I also plan on making little Christmas trees with the leftover flowers.  Come back next week for those and more wreaths!
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  1. Love the dash of white in the red wreath... stunning! visiting from CSI!


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